In the bustling city of Mumbai, there lived a woman named Radhika. She was a stunning brunette with long, luscious hair that cascaded down her back in waves. Her most striking feature, however, were her perfect breasts – full and firm, with dark nipples that begged to be touched. She was the epitome of Indian beauty, and men couldn’t help but stare as she walked down the street.
Radhika was a successful businesswoman, and she had no time for relationships. She enjoyed the company of men, but she never let things get too serious. She had one rule: no sleeping with the same man twice. This kept things exciting and uncomplicated, just the way she liked it.
One day, Radhika met a man named Rajat. He was a successful entrepreneur, and he was captivated by Radhika’s beauty and intelligence. He asked her out for dinner, and to her surprise, she agreed.
They met at a fancy restaurant, and the chemistry between them was undeniable. They flirted and laughed, and before they knew it, the evening had turned into a late night. They decided to continue their date at Radhika’s apartment.